Press releases


We, the undersigned organisations, representing authors, composers, writers, journalists, photographers and others working in all artistic fields, news agencies, book, press and music publishers, audiovisual and independent music producers call on the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament to adopt the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.

This Directive has been long sought to create a much-needed level playing field for all actors of the creative sector in the European Digital Single Market, whilst giving citizens better access to a wider array of content. This is a historical opportunity. We need an internet that is fair and sustainable for all. This is why we urge policymakers to adopt the Directive quickly, as agreed in trilogue negotiations.


1. ABK - Bulgarian Book Association 
2. ADAGP - French Graphic and Visual Arts Collecting Society 
3. ADEB - Belgian Publishers’ Association 
4. ADNPA - Athens Daily Newspaper Publishers’ Association 
5. AEC - European Association of the Higher Music Education Institutions 
6. AFP - Agence France Presse 
7. AGD - Allianz deutscher Designer 
8. AG DOK - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm 
9. AIKAKAUSMEDIA - Finnish Periodical Publishers' Association 
10. AIE - Italian Book Publishers’ Association 
11. AIM - Association of Independent Music 
12. AIPA - Slovenian Institute for the Promotion of the Rights of Authors, Performers and Producers of Audiovisual Work 
13. AKKA/LAA - Latvian Authors’ Association 
14. AKM - Austrian Collective Management Organization for Authors, Composers and Publishers 
15. ALCS - British Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society 
16. A.L.E.J. - Luxembourg Newspaper Publishers’ Association 
17. Alliance de la presse d’information générale - French Press Alliance 
18. AMAEI- Portuguese Independent Musicians, Artists and Publishers Association 
19. APEL - Portuguese Association of Publishers and Booksellers 
20. API - Portuguese Publishers’ Association 
21. ARI - Asociación de Revistas de Información 
22. ARTISJUS - Hungarian Copyright Protection Association 
23. ASOCIACIA VYDAVATATEL’OV - Slovak Press Publishers’ Association 
25. AUSTROMECHANA - Austrian Mechanical Rights Management Organization for Authors, Composers and Publishers 
26. BASCA - British Academy of Songwriters and Composers 
27. BBK - Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler 
28. BDZV - German Newspaper Publishers’ Association 
29. BFFS - Bundesverband Schauspiel e.V. 
30. BFS - German Film Editors Association 
31. BIEM - Bureau international des sociétés gérant les droits d’enregistrement et de reproduction mécanique 
32. Bildrecht - Austrian Artists’ Collecting Society 
33. BILD-KUNST - German Visual Arts Collecting Society 
34. Bildupphovsrätt - Swedish Visual Artists’ Copyright Management Society 
35. BIMA - Belgian Independent Music Association 
36. BONO - Norwegian Visual Artists’ Copyright Society 
37. Bonus Copyright Access 
38. Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. - German Association of Book Publishers and Bookseller 
39. BUMA - Dutch Collecting Society for Music Works 
40. BVC - Bundesverband Casting e.V. 
41. BVK - Bundesverband Kinematografie 
42. BVM - Bundesvereinigung Maskenbild 
43. BVR - Bundesverband Regie 
44. CEDC - European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity 
45. CEPIC - Centre of the Picture Industry 
46. CFC - French Centre for the Exploitation of Copyright 
47. CIAGP - International Council of Creators of Graphic, Plastic and Photographic Arts 
48. CIAM - International Council of Music Authors 
49. CISAC - International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers 
50. CC - Composers Club 
51. CONEQTIA - Spanish Association of Professional Press and Multimedia Content 
52. Copydan Writing - Danish Collecting Society in the Text Area 
53. STOWARZYSZENIE AUTORÓW I WYDAWCÓW COPYRIGHT POLSKA - Polish Association of Authors and Publishers 
54. Copyswede - Swedish Collecting Association for Authors and Performing Artists 
55. Unie vydavatelů - Czech Publishers’ Association 
56. DACIN SARA - Romanian Association of Cinematographic Authors and Audiovisual Workers 
57. DACS - Visual Artists’ Rights Management Organization 
58. DAfF - Deutsche Akademie für Fernsehen e.V. 
59. DAMA - Spanish Audiovisual Authors’ Copyright Society 
60. DANSKE FORLAG - Danish Publishers’ Association 
61. DANSKE MEDIER - Danish Media Association 
62. DeAuteurs - Belgian Copyright Collection Company 
63. DEFKOM - Deutsche Filmkomponistenunion 
64. De Media Federatie - Dutch Federation of Publishing and Media Companies Organization 
65. Den norske Forleggerforening - Norvegian Publishers’ Association 
66. Deutsche Fachpresse - German Association of Business Media 
67. Deutscher Künstlerbund 
68. DILIA - Czech Theatre, Literary, Audiovisual Agency 
69. Directors UK 
70. DJ - Danish Union of Journalists 
71. DJV - German Federation of Journalists 
72. DKV - Deutscher Komponistenverband 
73. DOV - Deutsche Orchestervereinigung 
74. DPA – Deutsche Presse-Agentur 
75. DTV - Deutscher Textdichter Verband 
76. DUP - Danish Independent Record Companies 
77. EANA - European Alliance of News Agencies 
78. EAS - European Association for Music in Schools 
79. EAU - Estonian Authors’ Society 
80. ECSA - European Composer and Songwriter Alliance 
81. EFJ - European Federation of Journalists 
82. EIBF - European & International Booksellers Federation 
83. EMC - European Music Council 
84. EMMA - European Magazine Media Association 
85. EMU - European Music School Union 
86. ENPA - European Newspaper Publishers’ Association 
87. EPA - European Pressphoto Agency 
88. EPC - European Publishers’ Council 
89. Eesti Kirjastuste Liit - Estonian Publishers’ Association 
90. Eurocinema - Cinema and Television Producers’ Associations 
91. European Choral Association - Europa Cantat 
92. EVA - European Visual Artists 
93. Evening Standard 
94. EWC - European Writers’ Council 
95. FAGPRESSEN - Norwegian Specialised Press Association 
96. FAPE - Spanish Federation of Journalists’ Associations 
Spanish Federation of Publishers’ Guilds 
98. FEP - Federation of European Publishers 
99. FER - Romanian Publishing Sector Federation 
100. FERA - Federation of European Film Directors 
101. FFAP - French Federation of News Agencies 
102. FIEG - Italian Federation of Newspaper and Periodical Publishers 
103. FIL - Icelandic Association of Actors and Perfoming Artistists 
104. Fjølrit - Faroese Copyright Society 
105. FNPS - French Specialised Periodical Publishers’ Federation 
106. FONO - Norvegian Association of Independent Record Companies 
107. FREELENS e.V. - Verband der Fotografinnen und Fotografen 
108. FSE - Federation of Screenwriters in Europe 
109. GAU - Belgian General Publishers’ Group 
110. GBDA - Genossenschaft Deutscher Bühnenangehöriger 
111. GEMA - The German Society for Musical Performance and Reproduction Rights 
112. GESAC - European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers 
113. GESTOR - Czech Union for the Protection of Authorship 
114. Getty Images 
115. GEWU - Belgian Educational and Scientific Publishers’ Group 
116. GZS - Slovenian Chamber of Commerce 
117. HAIL - Hungarian Association of Independent Labels 
118. Hauptverband des Österreichischen Buchhandels - Austrian Association of Book Trade 
119. HUEPP - Hellenic Union of Editors of Periodical Press 
120. HUNGART - Hungarian Management Association for Artists, 
Industry and Photography 
121. HDS-ZAMP - Croatian Composers’ Society - Collective Management Society 
122. IAF - International Authors Forums 
123. IAO - International Artist Organisation of Music 
124. ICLA - Irish Copyright Licensing Agency 
125. ICMP – International Confederation of Music Publishers 
126. IFRRO - International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations 
127. IMAGO - European Federation of Cinematographers 
128. IMPALA - Independent Music Companies Association 
129. IMPF - Independent Music Publishers International Forum 
130. IMRO - Irish Musical Rights Organisation 
131. INDIECO - Finnish Independent Record Producers’ Association 
132. INDIESUISSE - Association of Swiss Independent Music Labels and Producers 
133. Initiative Urheberrecht - German Group of Associations representing Authors and Performers 
134. IO - Illustratoren Organisation e.V. 
135. IPF - Slovenian Collective Society for Producers and Performers 
136. IVARO - Irish Visual Creators’ Copyright Management Organization 
137. IZBA WYDAWCÓW PRASY - The Polish Chamber of Press Publishers 
138. Journalistförbundet - Swedish Union of Journalists 
139. KEA - International Policy Research Center Specialised in Culture and Creative Industry. 
140. KIPA - Polish Producers Alliance 
141. KLYS - Swedish Joint Committee for Artistic and Literary Professionals 
142. KODA - Danish Collecting Society for Music Work 
143. Konfessionelle Presse - Association of Confessional Press 
144. KOPIPOL - Polish Association of Copyright Collective Administration 
for Authors of Scientific and Technical Works 
145. KOPIOSTO - Finnish Copyright Owners Society 
146. STOWARZYSZENIE KREATYWNA POLSKA - Creative Poland Association 
147. KUVASTO - Finnish Copyright Society for Visual Artists 
148. LA PRESSE.BE - Alliance of Belgian Information Media 
149. La Saif - French Authors’ Copyright Management Organization 
150. LATGA - Latvian Association of Copyright Administration 
151. LITA - Slovakian Society of Authors 
152. LITERAL MECHANA - Austrian Linguistic Works Collecting Society 
153. LIVE DMA - European Network of Music Venues, Clubs and Festivals 
154. LLA - Lithuanian Publishers’ Association 
155. Magazines Ireland - Association of Irish magazine media brands 
156. Medialiitto - Finnish Media Federation 
157. MediaMusic e.V. - Berufsverband Medienmusik 
158. MKKE - Hungarian Books Publishers’ Association 
159. MLE - Magyar Lapkiadók Egyesülete 
160. MMA - Magazine media association 
161. Myndstef - The Icelandic Visual Art Copyright Association 
162. Musicautor – Romanian Collecting Society 
163. NDP Nieuwsmedia 
164. NLA - British Newspapers’ Copyright Management Organization 
165. NMA - News Media Alliance 
166. NMC - News Media Coalition 
167. NME - News Media Europe 
168. OFA - Serbian Authors and Photographers’ Copyright Management Organization 
169. On the Move 
170. OOAS - Czech associations of authors of works of art, architecture and visual components of audiovisual works 
171. OSA - Copyright Protection Authority for Music Works 
172. OSDEL - Greek Collecting Society for Literary Works 
173. PA - Press Association 
174. PEN-Zentrum Deutschland e.V. 
175. PHOEBUS - Greek Photographers’ Collecting Society 
176. PICTORIGHT - Dutch Authors’ Right Organization for Visual Creators 
177. PIK - Polish Chamber of Books 
178. PLATFORMA - Czech Association of Independent Record Companies 
179. PMI - Italian Independent Music Producers 
180. PPA - Professional Publishers Association 
181. PSM - Polish Association of Film Editors 
182. ProLitteris - Swiss Copyright Management Society for Literature and Visual Arts 
183. PRS for Music - Performing Right Society 
184. Publishing Ireland - Irish Book Publishers’ Association 
185. Pyramide 
186. REMA - European Early Music Network 
187. STOWARZYSZENIE DZIENNIKARZY I WYDAWCÓW REPROPOLPolish Association of Journalists and Publishers 
188. RUNDA - Regional Association of Independent Discographers 
189. SAA - Society of Audiovisual Authors 
190. SABAM - Belgian Association of Authors, Composers and Publishers 
191. SACD - French Society of Dramatic Writers and Composers 
192. SACEM - French Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music 
193. SACEM Lux - Luxembourg Society for Authors, Composer and Publishers of Music 
194. Sanomalehtien Liitto - Finnish Newspapers’ Association 
195. SAZAS - Slovene Collective Management Organisation 
196. SAZOR GIZ - Slovenian Organization of Authors and Publishers for Reproduction Rights 
197. SCAM - The French Society of Multimedia Authors 
198. SCHWEIZER PRESSE - Swiss Media 
199. SCKN - Union of Czech Booksellers and Publishers 
200. SDRM - French Society for the Administration of Mechanical Reproduction Rights 
201. SEPM - Syndicate of Magazine Press Publishers 
202. SFP - Polish Filmmakers’ Association 
203. SGAE - Spanish General Society of Authors and Publishers 
204. SIAE - Italian Authors and Publishers’ Collecting Society 
205. SIPA - Association for the Protection of the Interests of Music Publishers 
206. SKKD - Slovak Coalition for Cultural Diversity 
207. SNE - French National Syndicate of the Publishing Sector 
208. SOFAM - Belgian Visual Arts Management Company 
209. SOM - Swedish Association of Independent Music Producers 
210. SPAUTORES - Portuguese Cooperative for the Copyright Management of Literary and Artistic Authors 
211. SOZA - Slovakian Copyright Association for Music Works 
212. SSA - Swiss Authors’ Society 
213. STEF - The Performing Rights Society of Iceland 
214. STM - International Association of Academic and Professional Publishers 
215. STIM - Swedish Musicians’ International Music Agency 
216. STOMP - Dutch Independent Labels Platform 
217. STOWARZYSZENIE FOTOREPORTERÓW - Polish Association of Photojournalists 
218. SUISA - Swiss Cooperative Society of Music Authors and Publishers 
219. Suomen Journalistiliitto - Finnish Journalists’ Union 
220. Suomen Kustannusyhdistys - Finnish Book Publishers’ Association 
221. SVERIGES TIDSKRIFTER - Swedish Magazine Publishers’ Association 
222. SVF - Swedish Book Publishers’ Association 
223. The Independent 
224. Thomson Reuters - Reuters News Agency 
225. TONO - Norwegian Collection Society and Performing Right Organization 
226. TU - Medier i Sverige 
227. UCMR-ADA - Romanian Musical Performing and Mechanical Rights Society 
228. UDJ - Union Deutscher Jazzmusiker 
229. UFI - Spanish Association of Independent Music Companies 
230. UNI-MEI - Global Union in the Media, Entertainment and Arts 
231. UPB - The Union of Publishers in Bulgaria 
232. UPFI - The Union of Independent French Phonographic Producers 
233. TEOSTO - Finnish Songwriters and Composers’ Collecting Society 
234. TONO - Norwegian Collection Society for Music Works 
235. VDD - Verband Deutscher Drehbuchautoren 
236. VdFS - Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden 
237. VdHR - Verband der Hörspielregie 
238. VDL - Verband Deutscher Lokalzeitungen 
239. VdO - Vereinigung deutscher Opernchöre und Bühnentänzer 
240. VDZ - German Association of Magazine Publishers 
241. VEGAP - Spanish Visual Creators’ Copyright Management Organization 
242. Verband Bildungsmedien 
243. VG Media 
244. VG Musikedition - German Music Collecting Society 
245. VG WORT - German Collecting Society 
246. VISDA - Danish Visual Rights Society 
247. VNM- Flemish News Media 
248. VÖZ - Austrian Newspaper Publishers’ Association 
249. VSK - Verband der Berufsgruppen Szenenbild und Kostümbild 
250. VTMÖ - Austrian Association of Independent Recording Companies, Music Publishers and Music Producers 
251. VUT - German Association of Independent Music Companies 
252. WAN-IFRA - World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers 
253. WE MEDIA 
254. W&DW - Writers & Directors Worldwide 
255. YHKC - Serbian Book Association 
256. STOWARZYSZENIE AUTORÓW ZAIKS - Polish Society of Authors and Composers 
257. ZAMP - Croatian Copyright Protection Service for Music Works 
258. ZAPA - Polish Union of Audiovisual Authors and Producers 
259. ZFIS - Association of Phonogram Producers in Slovenia 
260. ZIP - Združenje Imetnikov Pravic / Association of Right Holders 
261. ZKP - Polish Composers’ Union 
262. ZVKS - Slovak Association of Publishers and Booksellers 
263. ZWIĄZEK ZAWODOWY TWÓRCÓW KULTURY - Polish Union of Culture Creators