
Press releases

EMMA and ENPA call for further debate on adopted proposals concerning European platform regulation

Today’s adoption by the European Commission of its proposals on the regulation of digital platforms with the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Market Act (DMA) leaves many questions open and further need for discussion. EMMA and ENPA had expected more concrete and far-reaching proposals on regulating the market behaviour of market dominant gatekeepers in the Digital Market Act. The DMA must entail a specific obligation for the gatekeepers to grant all legal publications and offerings non-discriminatory access and fair terms and conditions for their services. Likewise, it must include an obligation for market dominant platforms to enter into negotiations with all legal publications and offer fair payment for their content.

Press releases

Journalists and press publishers are concerned by the e-Evidence proposal

The European Federation of Journalists together with EMMA, the European Magazine Media Association and ENPA, the European Newspaper Publishers’ Association, acknowledge yesterday’s vote in the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on the Report for a Regulation on European Production and Preservation Orders for electronic information in criminal proceedings (E-Evidence Regulation). Despite the efforts by the European Parliament to address several issues contained in the European Commission’s proposal, we regret that some key amendments have been rejected. As a result, the adopted report falls short of the necessary procedural safeguards to protect press and media freedom.

Press releases

The Publishers’ Right needs to be respected by Mega-platforms - European press publishers ask for further rules in the DMA to restore fairness in the online ecosystem

In the context of the current implementation of the press publishers’ right across Europe and its application in France, EMMA and ENPA would like to stress the necessity to ensure a swift and effective implementation of article 15 of Directive 2019/790 grating a right to press publishers for all publications.

Press releases

Press publishers’ exchange on the future of the digital press with Vice-President Jourova and Commissioner Breton

On 23 and on 25 November 2020, a delegation of high-level representatives of the press sector, from EMMA (the European Magazine Media Association) and ENPA (the European Newspaper Publishers Association) had the pleasure to meet Vice-President Jourova and Commissioner Breton to discuss the current and the future challenges of the press in an increasingly digital world. The expressed attention to the needs of the press sector challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the digital transition and how this will be reflected in upcoming initiatives (Media Action Plan) was noted positively. Press publishers have welcomed the upcoming Digital Market Act (DMA) as a mean to enforce neighbouring rights for publishers, and called for an ambitious proposal introducing ex ante rules to ensure that markets characterised by large platforms with significant network effects acting as gatekeepers remain fair and contestable.