
Press releases

Future Media Lab. annual conference gathers 150 stakeholders in Brussels to explore how technology impacts audience engagement

The 6th Future Media Lab. conference took place on 26 January 2016 in The Panoramic Hall at The Square in Brussels. This conference, titled “Technology and Media: Shaping the Future of Audience Engagement” covered one of today’s most crucial topics for Europe’s media. The full-day event included panel discussions, “reality check” presentations with facts and figures, a keynote speech, an interactive think-tank module with nine innovative start-ups and an interactive debate.

Press releases

ITRE committee increases advertising requirements for energy products

On 14 June, MEPs of the Industry, Research and Energy committee voted on the draft report of Mr. Tamburrano on the proposal for a Regulation setting a framework for energy efficiency labelling and repealing Directive 2010/30/EU. Despite great support from the EPP and ECR groups, the committee adopted a compromise amendment along with an addition that make it mandatory for all visual advertisements to carry the energy efficiency class of the product advertised (e.g. class A+, A, B, C etc.).

Press releases

EMMA and ENPA welcome ECOFIN Council conclusions on VAT for e-publications

On 25 May 2016, the Council of the EU (ECOFIN) adopted conclusions on the VAT Action Plan “Towards a single EU VAT area”, published on 7 April by the European Commission. The Council notably “INVITES the Commission to present a legislative proposal which integrates provisions concerning VAT rates for e-publications in the context of Digital Single Market initiatives by the end of 2016 and include an impact assessment”.