
Press releases

EMMA's Future Media Lab. hosts first Summit for its AEMII project: Accelerating European Media Innovation and Insights

Today, 14 December, the Future Media Lab. kicked off it's innovation project - Accelerating European Media Innovation and Insights (AEMII) - by hosting a meeting with digital media strategy decision makers and providers of innovative technologies for media companies from across Europe. Eight publishers from Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland were present for the meeting, as well as five innovation partners.

Press releases

This week's Future Media Lab. news round-up now online!

This week's Future Media Lab. news round-up covers a lot of interesting points for publishers. In this edition, read about everything from the experiences publishers have had with Facebook's Instant Articles, to the European Commission's new action plan on copyright, to the rise of paywalls in Europe and even the possibility of native virtual reality ads. Not to be missed! 

Press releases

Human Rights Day: EMMA celebrates freedom of expression in Europe

EMMA joins the global community in celebrating “Human Rights Day”, which commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948. In its Article 19, it upholds press freedom as a pillar of a free and democratic society (“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”)

Press releases

EU Copyright Action Plan published

The European Commission has published a Communication entitled “Towards a more modern, more European copyright framework”, which it describes as a "political preview" that will be translated into legislative proposals and policy initiatives in the next six months. (See here for more details of the Communication, as well as the Commission’s proposal for a Regulation on online content portability).