
Press releases

EMMA’s 2014-2015 Annual Report released today!

EMMA released its 2014-2015 annual report at the VDZ Publishers’ Summit today. This report presents an overview of EMMA’s activities within the last year, with details about the top issues EMMA is working on, information about our member organisations, and highlights of some of the activities and events that have taken place.

Press releases

Future Media Lounge conference: “Digital Platforms: helping or hurting media pluralism?

The Future Media Lab. will be hosting the next session of its Future Media Lounge event series in Brussels on Tuesday, 29 September in the European Parliament, from 18:00-20:00. The debate “Digital Platforms: helping or hurting media pluralism?” will be moderated by David Earnshaw, President and Senior Advisor, Burson-Marsteller, Belgium.

Press releases

Strong growth for Roularta magazines in Belgium

According to the recent CIM Print Survey, all Roularta titles together reach more than half of the Belgians. In total 5 million Belgians read one or more titles owned by Roularta Media Group.