Press releases

APImprensa distinguished as Honorary Member of the Order of Merit in Portugal

In a ceremony on 25 April, the President of the Portuguese Republic honored the Portuguese Press and distinguished the Portuguese Press Publishers Association (APImprensa) as Honorary Member of the Order of Merit. APImprensa is a member of EMMA.

The aim of the ceremony, which took place on April 25th, a symbolic day of freedom, was to recognize the 31 Portuguese Centenary Publications as a rare example of resilience and to raise awareness on the fundamental role of the press.

In the words of the President:

"Not being possible, in the same ceremony, to distinguish all your institutions - this will be done gradually over the next few months and years – there was a need to symbolically honor your merit, your tenacity, your resistance. Nothing better than decorating the Portuguese Press Publishers Association. Therefore, this award to APImprensa is a decoration to all of you".

For more information, visit the Catalogue of Centenary Publications.