Press releases

EMMA and ENPA welcome von der Leyen Commission

EMMA and ENPA welcome the democratic vote cast today for the investiture of the von der Leyen Commission by the European Parliament.

We thank the Juncker Commission for all the support and historical achievements in their constant efforts to maintain and uphold the free democratic press sector in the European Union.

We are pleased to see that a new, dynamic, gender-balanced and forward-looking team will be taking over and remain confident that maintaining the sustainability of the free press will be at the heart of the new Commission during its five-year term.

Carlo Perrone, President of ENPA, said: “We have achieved great steps during the last legislature to level the playing field in the digital market and to ensure the sustainability of the press-sector. We welcome the new Commission and we expect new and forward looking solutions that preserve media freedom and pluralism in the Union.”

Xavier Bouckaert, President of EMMA, said: “We welcome the von der Leyen Commission and are happy to see that a competent team with a deep understanding of the future of Europe will together with industry address outstanding issues in view of creating a balanced and healthy digital single market for the press sector to thrive, curtailing in particular the power of market-dominant platforms.”

The mandate of the new European Commission will formally start on 1 December 2019.


Press release in PDF (english)



Konteas Ilias

Executive Director