Press releases

EMMA is proud to support “Difference Day” – a celebration of freedom of speech and expression

For the second year in a row, EMMA is proud to support “Difference Day”, a celebration of journalism and freedom of expression organized by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bozar, iMinds and Evens Foundation.

In 1993 the United Nations General Assembly declared 3 May to be World Press Freedom Day to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press and to remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression enshrined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Difference Day joins the UN’s efforts to bring attention to the violations that still occur against the freedom of the press, but it also aims to celebrate diversity and calls for open-minded discussions about journalism, the press and media freedom.

This year on Difference Day a number of debates have been organised at the Bozar in Brussels on such topics as EU Media Censorship & Propoganda, censorship and women journalists in Turkey, and worldwide worries about free reporting. There will also be a keynote address by European Commissioner Günther Oettinger, a performance by LIVE Magazine and an award ceremony. The complete programme can be viewed here.

Join us in celebrating journalism, freedom of expression and diversity in Europe by registering for this event.

For further information contact:

Karin Fleming 
Communications Manager, EMMA

+32 2 536 06 07

  • EMMA

    The European Magazine Media Association, is the unique and complete representation of Europe’s magazine media, which is today enjoyed by millions of consumers on various platforms, encompassing both paper and digital formats.