Press releases

European Media World meets in Brussels

The European Magazine Media Association, which recently changed its name from FAEP to EMMA, is hosting the European Magazine Media Night on the 28th of February 2012 in Brussels communication nest “The Egg”.

Important decision makers and stakeholders of the European Media World as well as highest level political and industry speakers will be there:

The Media Night Lecture will be hosted by high-level speakers as EU-Commissioner Michel Barnier and CEO of The Economist Andrew Rashbass, followed by a panel debate with Rik de Nolf, CEO of the Belgium Roularta Media as well as the French Group Express-Roularta, Francoise Le Bail, Director General in DG Justice at the European Commission, Arendo Joustra, editor-in-chief of the Dutch Elsevier magazine and Dr. Christoph Fiedler, Chairman of EMMA’s Legal Affairs Committee.

The European Magazine Media Night networking dinner will be surrounded by water, music and dance (EMMA Club Night). The latest issue of the EMMA Magazine “empowering citizens” will be published.

The next day, the 29th of February, the Future Media Lab., will take place. Max von Abendroth, chief executive director of EMMA, explains the concept: “This is a think tank initiative where magazine publishers and relevant stakeholders will debate the future of the magazine media to draw conclusions for the appropriate European legislative framework regarding press-freedom, data-protection, copyright, VAT, advertising and many more. At the core of this activity is of course the research.”

The European Magazine Media Association represents 15.000 magazine publishers across Europe, publishing 50.000 consumer and B2B magazine titles, reaching 360 million European readers.

Fore more information please contact:

Max von Abendroth

+32 2 536 06 04