Press releases

European publishers celebrate World Press Freedom Day

On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, EMMA and ENPA want to reiterate the fundamental value of maintaining and upholding press freedom and media pluralism across Europe, which lie at the core of European democracies.

The coronavirus pandemic has confirmed that newspapers and magazines remain the most trusted media, with Europeans relying on them for quality information and entertainmentand their digital circulation reaching an all-time high. In these unprecedented times, the importance of accurate and reliable journalism cannot be overstated.

Since the challenging transition towards digital has been further hampered by the pandemic, it is more crucial than ever for European policy makers to create the necessary financial and regulatory framework in order to maintain a free, independent, vibrant and diverse press sector.

We therefore call on the European Institutions to ensure the proper conditions protecting the safety of journalists and media workers and their independence from any political or institutional pressure.

In order to be able to invest in journalistic content and to ensure the safety of our journalists, press publishers call for the swift adoption of the increasingly necessary measures to address the systematic abuses of market dominant mega-platforms in relation to European press publishers.

Ilias Konteas, Executive Director of EMMA and ENPA said: «Press freedom and media pluralism are at the heart of our European democracies and serve the essential role of being democracy’s watchdog. In order for Europe to remain at the centre of media freedom and media pluralism and for a heathy and sustainable press sector, the European Institutions need to take appropriate measures to address the current imbalances in the digital market, by ensuring that the abuses of the mega-platforms are properly countered.»


Press release in PDF (english)



Konteas Ilias

Executive Director