Press releases

#Yes2copyright News Release

Today, more than 270 organisations from the entire cultural sector have come together to offer clear and strong support to the Copyright Directive. Representing creators, performers, publishers, producers, news agencies, cultural workers, conservatoires, choirs, grass-roots cultural organisations, and many more, they are calling on the European Parliament to adopt the Copyright Directive at the plenary vote during the week of March 25.

The Copyright Directive will make the European Digital Single Market fairer, bigger and more inclusive.

The final text of the Copyright Directive is a fair and balanced solution for all. It addresses all citizen and market concerns and provides the long-sought legal certainty in different areas of the sector both for the protection of creators’ rights and citizens’ access to creative content.

Carlo Perrone, President of ENPA said: “If European policymakers want to support creators and publishers in Europe they have to adopt the Copyright Directive now with no changes! Adopting it with the Publishers’ Rights will be key to encouraging further investment in professional, diverse, fact-checked content for the enrichment and enjoyment of everyone, everywhere."

Jean-Noël Tronc, Vice-President of GESAC: “Next week’s vote is a Yes or No. We ask MEPs to stand up for a strong Europe against tech giants’ manipulation. We ask MEPs to side with its citizens, creators and creative sector against the exploitive practices of a few platforms and their Pirate supporters.

Anne Bergman, Director of FEP said: “The legislation is extremely progressive as it is setting norms for text and data mining for research, education through illustration for teaching benefitting teachers and students across Europe, access to out of commerce works. These improvements will facilitate access to Europe’s works.

Helen Smith, Executive Chair IMPALA: "Platforms facilitate a unique relationship between citizens and creators. The directive will boost this. It shifts responsibility away from citizens and encourages new entrants to the market. It is part of a wider bid by the EU to deliver fairness and sustainability in the online world."

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Konteas Ilias

Executive Director