
Press releases

Press Freedom Conference Sofia 2018

EMMA and ENPA in association with EFJ, RSF, AEJ, ECPMF, SEEMO and the UPB, held a conference on “Media Freedom and Pluralism” on Wednesday, 16 May, in Sofia, in the wings of the EU-Western Balkans summit.

Press releases

Press Release - Prioritise media Freedom and Sustainability

A conference on press freedom took place on the fringes of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia in Bulgaria which gathered journalists, media organisations, publishers, NGOs and members of the European parliament. Participants warned of the waning strength and independence of European media and the consequent threat to democracy. 21 years after the UNESCO Sofia Declaration for a free and pluralistic media, they published the ‘Sofia Declaration’, urging the EU to prioritise media freedom in Europe.

Press releases

Join us at the Conference “Media Freedom and Pluralism: how to reboot an essential EU pillar”

On May 16, 2018 a Press Freedom Conference – organized by the Union of Publishers in Bulgaria (UPB) in association with EMMA/ENPA, European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), in partnership with Reporters Without Borders, European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Association of European Journalists (AEJ), South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) – will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria.    

Press releases

EMMA and ENPA press release on the open letter on e-Privacy

EMMA and ENPA has joined more than 50 stakeholders from 19 different European countries from across industry sectors in co-signing an open letter to call for a review of the draft E-privacy regulation to the benefit of consumers, the businesses that serve them and to ensure a vibrant Digital Single Market for Europe and its citizens.