
Press releases

Act now to #SaveYourPress

Ahead of the upcoming votes on the revised EU Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market, European publishers’ associations are launching the #SaveYourPress campaign to promote support for the Publisher’s Right across the EU.

Press releases

Own-initiative report on whistleblowers adopted in plenary

Today, 14 February, the plenary assembly in Strasbourg approved an own-initiative report on the role of whistleblowers in the protection of EU’s financial interests, put forward by the Budgetary Control (CONT) Committee earlier this year.

Press releases

TRUSTe / EDAA research shows digital advertising self-regulatory programme continues to improve consumer attitudes towards interest-based advertising

Recently conducted online research shows an icon aimed at providing greater transparency and control over online behavioural advertising (OBA), commonly referred to as interest-based advertising, is improving consumer attitudes towards OBA and growing in awareness. The study of 15 European countries was commissioned by theEuropean Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), a European industry coalition setup to licence the ‘OBA Icon’ to companies involved in Online Behavioural Advertising across Europe andTRUSTe, a leading data privacy management company.