
Press releases

Data Protection Regulation: the European Parliament approves new rules

On Thursday last week, the European Parliament plenary adopted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It will start to apply two years and three weeks after its publication in the EU Official Journal. The Regulation sets out a completely new framework for the lawful processing of personal data and will impact various activities of magazine publishers.

Press releases

Adoption of the Trade Secrets Directive by the European Parliament: Investigative journalism must be guaranteed

Today, the European Parliament adopted the Directive on the protection of Trade Secrets. European journalists and media associations are concerned that this Directive could put journalists at risk therefore limiting their ability to investigate and report about businesses. This comes at a time when the “Panama Papers” revelations have reaffirmed the essential role that journalists, whistleblowers, and media play in informing citizens about issues of public interest.

Press releases

In memory of EMMA Honorary Vice-President Kevin Hand

On Thursday, 7 April EMMA’s Honorary Vice-President Kevin Hand passed away following a brief illness. He was previously CEO of Emap and Hachette UK, former Chairman of EMMA’s British member PPA and an outstanding supporter of EMMA. We will all miss his advice and guidance as well his full-hearted support for EMMA. We will make sure to honour Kevin’s commitment to EMMA’s work over the last years and do express our condolence to the ones close to Kevin.