Press releases

Act now to #SaveYourPress

Ahead of the upcoming votes on the revised EU Directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market, European publishers’ associations are launching the #SaveYourPress campaign to promote support for the Publisher’s Right across the EU.

The campaign, which seeks to combat misleading information while protecting high-quality journalism, calls for commercial operators to properly and fairly compensate publishers and journalists whose work is re-produced for commercial gain.

Unlike other content producers, publishers currently do not possess any rights of their own at the European level regarding their published products. This lack of clarity is exploited by major online services and news aggregators, who profit on press publishers’ investment and the unprotected work of independent journalists.

To compete profitably on all platforms, press publishers ask for the same rights that are already enjoyed by broadcasters, music and film producers. Protections to monetise their work would enable publishers to invest in independent press and high quality content.

The European Commission’s copyright proposal, which recognises publishers as key rights-holders under the EU copyright framework, has faced fierce opposition. Opponents have been particularly vocal about the alleged establishment of platform liability and its alleged impact on news snippets and links.

The #SaveYourPress campaign aims to battle these claims and clarify that the Publisher’s Right is not an attempt to stop individual users from freely sharing news articles on social media. The Publisher’s Rights means that news aggregators will have to pay their fair share for other peoples’ work. A stronger publishing industry means more diverse, independent and high quality journalism for readers to enjoy and share with their families and friends.

To learn more about the Publisher’s Right and why it’s right for Europe visit the and websites.

For further information contact:

Karin Fleming 
Communications Manager

+32 (0)2 536 06 07

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