Press releases

Adoption of a publishers' right in France

Europe’s press publishers represented by EMMA (European Magazine Media Association) and ENPA (European Newspaper Publishers’ Association) applaud today’s final adoption of a right for press publishers by the French lower parliamentary chamber or the Assemblée Nationale, as part of the implementation of the EU copyright Directive.

The law foresees concrete information obligations to services of online communication to the public such as all the necessary elements relating to the uses of press publications by users. In addition, the law stipulates that remuneration due to press publishers should be based on resource revenue of any kind, whether direct or indirect.

Carlo Perrone, President of ENPA, said: “France is leading the way in implementing a neighbouring right for press publishers which provides concrete tools to improve press publishers’ bargaining position in the digital environment.”

Xavier Bouckaert, President of EMMA, said: “This grants press publications of all types and sizes a right to fairly negotiate with internet giants against the systematic and massive exploitation of press content.”

Next steps:

The French law should formally enter into force two weeks after its notification to the government.

At EU level, Member states must implement the reform into national law by June 2021.


Link to the law (english)



Konteas Ilias

Executive Director