Press releases

Cross-industry open letter on e-Privacy: “Europe Cannot Afford to Miss the Data Revolution”

Europe Cannot Afford to Miss the Data Revolution

Data economy is a pillar of future growth, job creation and social progress. According to the European Commission, the value of the European data economy may raise from €285 billion in 2015 to €739 billion in 2020. Consumers and citizens will enjoy innovative products and services and, hopefully, benefit from strong guarantees for their rights and privacy. Big Data will also provide governments and authorities with the opportunity to enhance public policies’ design and effectiveness.

In 2016, the European Commission took that path with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), due to come into force on 25th May 2018, in order to both enhance rights for individuals and simplify the regulatory environment to improve business opportunities.

Guaranteeing privacy is crucial to maintain citizens’ trust in digital technologies.

The undersigned companies and organizations consider that confidentiality of electronic communications and personal data protection are, in essence, unquestionable ; they wish these essential principles to be provided by a balanced framework, benefitting both European citizens and digital players, in adynamic and innovative ecosystem.

Yet the proposed “ePrivacy” regulation, recently voted in the European Parliament and currently discussed amongst Member States, will achieve none of these objectives.

We are concerned that current proposals would not offer efficient protection for consumers ; would reinforce already dominant players in the data economy ; would threaten the development of European startups and innovative companies,online advertising, telecom operators, and other sectors alike; and would undermine the essential role of press and media in European democratic life.

As a matter of fact, the current ePrivacy draft regulation:

We call on European and national policy-makers to review the ePrivacy draft regulation. The European Digital Single Market deserves better than a regulation with massive and uncontrolled side effects. It needs clear and simple definitions, separating personal and non-personal data, with consistent and horizontal implementation, in order to guarantee the protection of individuals and the development of the European digital ecosystem.