Press releases

EMMA and ENPA call for further debate on adopted proposals concerning European platform regulation

Today’s adoption by the European Commission of its proposals on the regulation of digital platforms with the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Market Act (DMA) leaves many questions open and further need for discussion. EMMA and ENPA had expected more concrete and far-reaching proposals on regulating the market behaviour of market dominant gatekeepers in the Digital Market Act. The DMA must entail a specific obligation for the gatekeepers to grant all legal publications and offerings non-discriminatory access and fair terms and conditions for their services. Likewise, it must include an obligation for market dominant platforms to enter into negotiations with all legal publications and offer fair payment for their content.

It remains imperative that more effective national rules on antitrust and competition law continue to apply and Member States are allowed to regulate gatekeeper platforms more strictly in all areas, contrary to the proposal.

Furthermore, further debate is needed on the DSA, which applies to all platforms. EMMA and ENPA are concerned that the comprehensive set of legal obligations on transparency, accountability, and due diligence in the DSA would significantly risk all opinion-forming digital services.

Ilias Konteas, Executive Director of EMMA and ENPA said « These two proposals should form a constitution for the economic and media diversity in the digital world. This is why regulatory faults would have a devastating impact on Europe’s economic and media landscape. Weakening the rules for gatekeepers is certainly not intended as this would enhance digital monopolies. We are looking forward to working intensively with the European Parliament and the Council in the coming months to address these points».

EMMA-ENPA remain optimistic that the discussions, once the legislative process with the European Parliament and the Council starts, will ultimately lead to the effective regulation of the gatekeeper platforms that could guarantee freedom, diversity and innovation in  digital journalism. However, this will require significant changes to the text.


Konteas Ilias

Executive Director