Press releases

EMMA and ENPA press release on the open letter on e-Privacy

EMMA and ENPA has joined more than 50 stakeholders from 19 different European countries from across industry sectors in co-signing an open letter to call for a review of the draft E-privacy regulation to the benefit of consumers, the businesses that serve them and to ensure a vibrant Digital Single Market for Europe and its citizens.

Today, EMMA President Xavier Bouckaert stated: “this is a strong message the EU Institutions, particularly the European Parliament and the EU Member States who are the co-legislators that will determine the outcome of the e-Privacy regulation. An overwhelming and comprehensive number of key stakeholders are coming together to signal that Europe cannot afford to get this legislation wrong. It must be pragmatic and ensure that European press publishers and other businesses can participate in the data revolution and at the same time truly empower citizens when it comes to privacy, not just on the surface with solutions that will be disruptive for everyone.”

ENPA President Carlo Perrone stated “it is essential to highlight what is really at stake. In the digital sphere, press publishers must be able to keep financing professional journalism which is the only true solution to counter fake news. But also, it is indispensable for us to build trustful long-term relationships directly with our readers. The current e-Privacy proposal would impair us in both of these aspects by cutting our ties with readers and placing management of all privacy in the custody of browsers and making it legally unmanageable to use cookies on our websites.”

Considering the future large scale effects of the e-Privacy regulation on activity sectors across the board, EMMA and ENPA call on the EU Institutions to reconsider the proposals on the table and to follow an approach that will ensure a just and fair level playing field for the entire digital eco-system.

The signatories of the open letter:

Contact: Marie de CORDIER -