Press releases

EMMA appoints three Honorary Vice-Presidents – for fair framework conditions for a free press in Europe

The European Magazine Media Association, EMMA, representing 15.000 magazine publishers across Europe, introduces today three Honorary Vice-Presidents, acting and former CEOs of publishing houses from different EU Member States, who are committed to leading a dialogue with European politicians on the appropriate legislative framework for Europe’s press sector.

EMMA Chairman David Hanger explains: “Magazine publishers, in particular the SMEs which represent the majority of the sector, face potential collateral damage from a multitude of legislative initiatives aimed at addressing completely different purposes (such as the proposed data protection Regulation which could impact press freedom). Our sector needs first hand expertise of the highest level to improve understanding amongst policy makers and legislators as regards the specific characteristics of Europe’s magazine media. We are therefore honored that three outstanding personalities from Europe’s magazine sector have committed themselves to join EMMA as Honorary Vice-Presidents.”

The three incoming Honorary Vice-Presidents of EMMA said in the light of their new role:

Kevin Hand, United Kingdom, Chairman of the Professional Publishers Association (PPA) and Special Adviser at Hearst Magazines UK, said: “I am delighted that I have been given the opportunity to contribute my wealth of experience from magazine publishing to the European voice of the magazine media, EMMA, in order to help get the right long-term legislative framework for our sector.”

Rik De Nolf, Belgium and France, CEO of Roularta Media (B) and Group Express-Roularta (F): “Having followed the activities of EMMA (formerly FAEP) for many years now, I am deeply concerned about the potential impact of well-intended, but potentially damaging legislation at EU level. There is a real threat to magazine publishing businesses, when it comes to maintaining revenue streams: subscription marketing and advertising revenues, which are crucial for the survival of these businesses, are both under pressure from European legislative initiatives. Politicians have to understand the impact of their decisions. I am happy to get actively involved in this debate.”

Lars Joachim Rose, Germany, Chairman of Media Group Klambt: “My generation is shaping the current transition process of the press sector. Magazines today are strong brands on all platforms, not just print. Without a strong voice from our sector in Brussels, competition issues in the digital environment would not be properly addressed and the possibilities to monetise quality content would be undermined by weak copyright legislation. I have got involved as I believe in the need for a free, independent, diverse and vibrant media in Europe.”

The Honorary Vice-Presidents have been appointed by the EMMA Board for a period of two years. Their work will be backed up by the recently founded think tank Future Media Lab. (, hosted by EMMA, which was launched on 29 February 2012.


Max von Abendroth
EMMA Executive Director

+32 2 536 06 04