Press releases

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME welcome the support of European Parliament rapporteur Axel Voss for a Publishers' Right

Guaranteeing the legal protection of investment in quality journalism is long overdue.

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME welcome the support of a Press Publishers’ right by MEP Axel Voss, rapporteur in the Legal Affairs Committee. Mr Voss has presented a proposal that would guarantee press publishers an exclusive right as part of the current EU copyright reform.

In recent months, several European Parliament committees have approved the European Commission’s proposal for the so-called Publishers’ Right in their opinion. A vote in the lead committee on Legal Affairs is scheduled for June.

The publishers' associations emphasized that it was high time to give newspapers and magazines the same legal protection that has long been applied to film, television and music.

From the point of view of the European associations, publishers provide an essential service, investing in professional journalism which is the best and most effective way to react to polemics and false information on the Internet. It is therefore necessary to prevent third parties from commercially exploiting the content and brands of newspapers and magazines without permission and remuneration.

As Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip said this week at the London Book Fair: “Our copyright reform gives publishers and authors the means to negotiate better with digital platforms. Rights holders will be in a stronger and fairer position to negotiate and be paid when a platform puts their work online. The legal bargaining position of press publishers needs similar improvement and clarity."

EMMA, ENPA, EPC and NME call upon the Members of the European Parliament to support a strong right for press publishers, and to afford investment in quality journalism the much-overdue protection it deserves.


Joy de Looz-Corswarem – EMMA –

Joy de Looz-Corswarem – ENPA –

Angela Mills Wade – EPC –

Wout van Wijk – NME –