Press releases

EMMA Member, the Association of German Magazine Publishers (VDZ), presented Israeli President Shimon Peres with Golden Victoria Prize

The President of the State of Israel, Shimon Peres, met with senior leaders of the Association of German Magazine Publishers (Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger e.V.) on 28 August 2013 at his residence in Jerusalem. The delegation presented President Peres with the prestigious Golden Victoria Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his tireless pursuit of peace in the Middle East and reconciliation between Israel and Germany.

The delegation leader, Dr. Rudolf Thiermann introduced the award and said, "We are honored to present you with the highest award and the greatest recognition of German publishers; the Golden Victoria Award for Lifetime achievement. We present this award to you as one of the world's most widely recognized and esteemed figures. As a highly influential and effective head of state you have spent your life serving the cause of peace in the Middle East and reconciliation with Germany."

Dr. Thiemann continued and said, “This award expresses our enthusiasm for outstanding personalities who accomplished so much in their lives and followed through with their goals even at the cost of great sacrifice and who have changed the world for the better. This award is indicative of a special relation of reconciliation and contrition which German publishers have pursued in their personal lives and their magazines. You describe your country as one of the most important research and development centers for the world's leading technology companies, this is a message German publishers in particular have followed with great interest. The Association of German Magazine Publishers, VDZ, is working closely with Israel and specifically with the Israel Trade Center on numerous projects including start-up tours to Israel and the designation of Israel as a VDZ partner country in 2013. We are inspired by the strength of your country and the courage of its people to think in new directions."

President Peres thanked the delegation for the award and for visiting Israel to strengthen the relationship between the countries, "First of all I am really very moved, I look upon it as a prize for our people. Our history is really based on books and they kept our existence even when we lost our land and went into exile. I belong to the age of the book."

President Peres addressed relations between Israel and Germany and said, "I would judge the dialogue between Israel and Germany by its depth and we appreciate that modern Germany is looking to the future that will divorce the past without forgetting it. I believe that Germany remains a country where people read, it's very important. Reading is about following a path in your life, looking to horizons, it's very meaningful for our people and for me. To remember the past, but even more so to build a new future. I believe we cannot change the past, only the future. Literature is in many ways a reference to the future, it is a place we can do more than to remember but to change. It is in that spirit that I thank you so much."

After the award was presented, President Peres and the delegation held an in-depth meeting discussing some of the major issues in the Middle East, Israel's role as a research and technology hub and developments in media. President Peres wished the delegation luck with their mission to Israel and success in their efforts to find technology which can enhance German media.

For more information, please visit VDZ's website.