Press releases

Energy labelling: Parliament extends advertising provisions

On 6 July, MEPs voted in plenary on the report of Mr Tamburrano (EFDD/IT) on the proposal for a regulation setting a framework for energy efficiency labelling and repealing Directive 2010/30/EU.

Under the current Directive, the energy efficiency class of the product must be introduced in advertising for energy consuming products in case energy-related or price information is mentioned in the ad. MEPs decided to extend this provision by adopting amendment 86 part 2 on article 3(3)(a).

The parliament´s text now says that suppliers and dealers shall “make reference to the energy efficiency class of the product in any visual advertisement or technical promotional material for a specific model of products in accordance with the relevant delegated act;”

Though the suggestion to put the entire label in advertising, which was suggested at some point, has not been retained, this outcome is still very worrying for publishers. Mandatory information to include in advertising discourage advertisers from placing ads in print media, thus depriving magazine publishers from a vital revenue source.

This is even truer when there is a difference of treatment between the media, as this is the case here, with the radio being exempted from this obligation to disclose information in its ads while other media are not. Furthermore, the details of the indication of the energy class will be decided by delegated acts, including for instance the format and size of the letter to put in advertisements.

EMMA warns EU legislators that these additional advertising requirements threaten the sustainability of press titles across Europe. We advise them to adopt in trilogue the balanced and efficient approach of the Tyre Labelling Regulation. This text guarantees that consumers are properly informed about the energy and technical features of the tyre ahead of their purchase decision (e.g. through technical brochures, websites, information at the point of sale), but does not foresee a mandatory inclusion of information in advertising.

For further information contact:

Amandine Hähnel 
European Affairs Manager, EMMA

+32 2 536 06 08

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