Press releases

European Commission's Circular Economy Package could impact publisher practices

On 2 December the European Commission adopted an ambitious Circular Economy Package composed of an Action Plan and four legislative proposals.

In order to adopt a holistic approach, the Package covers the full lifecycle of products, from the production of waste to waste management and the market for secondary raw materials. The aim of the Package is to benefit the environment, but also the economy and society at large. To this end, it proposes measures to increase recycling, improve waste management and reduce landfill waste, and it involves all players, such as public authorities, businesses and investors.

Of particular relevance for publishers are the increased recycling targets for packaging waste to 75% by 2030, reinforcing not only the targets on municipal waste, but also the management of packaging waste in the commercial and industrial sectors. Moreover, the legislative proposals introduce minimum operating conditions for Extended Producer Responsibility. In this regard, Member States will have to define the roles and responsibilities of producers and define measurable waste management targets.

Publishers have long engaged in various measures at national level to increase awareness of their readers about recycling, ensure an efficient collection of magazines, and improve recyclability. EMMA will monitor closely what the new suggestions will mean practically for publishers' national solutions.

For further information contact:

Amandine Hähnel 
European Affairs Manager

+32 2 536 0608

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