Press releases

European Magazine and Newspaper Publishers are worried about abrupt change in media regulation in Poland

The European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) and the European Newspaper Publishers Association (ENPA) are deeply concerned about the planned changes in Polish media law referred to as "Lex TVN", that would deliberately curtail media plurality.

Changing long-standing rules on which media companies such as TVN have relied with the proposed amendment, would send a negative signal to investors and media professionals.

Xavier Bouckaert, President of EMMA, stated: "Trust and continuity of the regulatory framework are European cornerstones of independent media diversity available to all citizens, as well as of our democratic governance values. This must also apply in Poland.”

Jean-Pierre de Kerraoul, President of ENPA, noted that "As European newspaper publishers, we oppose any biased state intervention in the free competition of established media offerings, undermining freedom of speech, media freedom as well as the overall conditions for the media to operate. We ask the Polish government to take these implications into account and reconsider its approach.”


Press release in PDF (english)



Konteas Ilias

Executive Director