Press releases

European Press publishers celebrate the World Intellectual Property Day

Intellectual property rights, author’s rights and neighbouring rightsof publishers and producers are the cornerstone of our European democracy, media diversity and European culture.

The coronavirus pandemic has further proven that newspapers and magazines are the most trusted media, with Europeans relying on publishers’offerings for quality information and entertainment while their digital circulation reached an all-time high. Intellectual property rights are essential toensure the economic sustainability of such a vital sector.

The European Union took a historic step by adopting the publishers’ neighbouring right as part of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. This essential measure created ripples acrossthe world. A strong and effective neighbouring right for press publishers is crucial for the future of a free, healthy, independent press sector, a fair digital ecosystem, and a content-rich internet.

Therefore, on World Intellectual Property Day, EMMA and ENPA, together with their members, newspaper, and magazine publishers across Europe, are calling on EU Member States to promptly transpose and implement the neighbouring right for press publishers.

A swift implementation of a strong publishers’ right is an essential precondition to level the playing field in the digital market and a necessary first step to counter the systematic abuses of market dominant mega-platforms in relation to European press publishers

Ilias Konteas, Executive Director of EMMA and ENPA said: «European press publishers have been united during the negotiation of the Copyright Directive and remain united during its implementation.Copyright is crucial for journalism, for publishing, for protecting and upholding our European identity which lies at the core of our democracy. More than ever the European press needs a swift enforcement of a publishers’ right for the creation of a fairer and richer digital ecosystem.».


Press release in PDF (english)



Konteas Ilias

Executive Director