Press releases

European press publishers welcome the Decision of the French Competition Authority (Autorite de la Concurence) obliging Google to negotiate with press publishers for the use of press content

European press publishers welcome the Decision of the French Competition Authority (Autorite de la Concurence) obliging Google to negotiate with press publishers for the use of press content

Today the French Competition Authority issued a preliminary ruling against Google concerning its behaviour following the introduction of the EU neighbouring right for press publishers in France. In this historical decision, the French Competition Authority instructs Google to commence negotiations “in good faith” with press publishers’ and news agencies through emergency injunctions to be implemented immediately as interim measures.

The Competition Authority deems that Google’s practices at the time of the implementation of the Copyright Directive in France are susceptible to constitute     an exploitative case of abuse of dominant position. Furthermore, the Competition Authority considers that Google’s practices could represent a serious and immediate prejudice to the press sector.

European publishers wholeheartedly welcome the French Competition Authority’s decision to urge Google to conduct bone fide negotiations with press publishers and news agencies for the use of press content by Google’s services in the next three months.

The European press needs a swift implementation of the Copyright Directive in all Member States. Today’s decision of the French Competition Authority provides a necessary precedent also for a European-wide discussion on Google’s misuse of its market power in the field of neighbouring rights.

Carlo Perrone, President of ENPA said: «European press publishers have been united during the negotiation of the Copyright Directive and remain united during its implementation. Today’s decision marks a historical first step, where France understands the need to protect the press in front of Google’s behaviour which clearly stems from an abuse of dominant position. We are nowadays experiencing how important is the difference between fake news and professional journalism, newspapers produce real information and Google has to share the profit».

Xavier Bouckaert, President of EMMA said: «Today’s decision is not only important for the French publishers, but it represents a historical opportunity for press publishers’ across the EU and a clear message of support for the press sector as the cornerstone of democracy ».


Press release in PDF (english)



Konteas Ilias

Executive Director