Press releases

Future Media Lab. trailer video of April conference now available!


trailer video of the Future Media Lab.'s last conference, which took place in Brussels on 23 April 2013, is now available.The conference, titled "Understanding Disruption and how it drives innovation in the media sector", gathered  approximately 125 media experts, EU policy makers and key stakeholders to work on a vision of the future media landscape in 2050 and discuss the political aspects of this outlook.This was the third Future Media Lab. conference since the think-tank's launch in February 2012.

The conference was opened by European Commission’s Vice-President Neelie Kroes (click here to read her keynote address).Following Kroes' address, media expert Michiel Buitelaar (Sanoma Media NL) and futurist William Higham (The Next Big Thing, UK) set the scene for the interactive session run by the European Commission’s Digital Futures project (for the presentations of Michiel and William, click here and here, respectively).

The core of the event focused around two workshop sessions, which were run in cooperation with the European Commission's Digital Futures team. The first workshop topic was "the media landscape in 2050: policy ideas", while the second revolved around the question "how will democracy sustrain values that media has ensured until now?". The workshop session divided the participants into smaller, diverse groups, enabling participants to participate and discuss the topics with more depth.

After the workshop sessions, a concluding panel discussed the outcomes of the working groups, closing the event.

In the follow-up of the conference, the discussions that were started on 23 April are continuing online on Futurium – a web space for the co-creation and curation of Digital Futures. Everyone, including those unable to make it to the conference, is invited to participate in these discussions.

The Future Media Lab. is also working on arranging two follow-up webinars that focus more specifically on questions brought up at the conference. These webinars will be announced once the dates are set via the Future Media Lab's websitemailing list and twitter account.

Finally, a full-length post-conference video and post-conference report are in the process of being developed.

For more information on the Future Media Lab., please visit the website or contact Karin Fleming.