Press releases

High-level meeting of Press Publishers in Paris

On 1 October 2019, EMMA-ENPA organised a seminar in Paris on Copyright and Publishers’ Vision with European publishers from across 16 Member States hosted by Pierre Louette, CEO of les Echos-Le Parisien Group at «Les Echos » headquarters.

All European publishers are united regarding the implementation of the publishers’ right and encourage Member States to act swiftly in implementing it consistently and in a harmonised manner throughout the EU.

On this occasion, European publishers confirmed unanimously their support to their French colleagues concerning Google’s unilateral decision to circumvent the spirit of the newly adopted European and French copyright legislations. Such a unilateral move is a complete disrespect of a long democratic process in Europe.

All ENPA and EMMA members stay united with their French colleagues as the French situation represents the first step of the combat for the freedom of the press in Europe and across the world which is watching us.

Carlo Perrone, President of ENPA said: “I echo Jean-Michel Baylet, President of the Alliance de la Presse d’Information Generale, in his call for unity across Europe. Press publishers do not intend to succumb to Google’s pressure on publishers to renounce to their legal right

Xavier Bouckaert, President of EMMA said: “What we achieved at European level after years of intense debates was a victory of our democratic institutions over tech monopolies. The battle continues at national level so as to ensure that the democratic will prevails.»


Press release in PDF (english)


Press release in PDF (french)



Konteas Ilias

Executive Director