Press releases

Read the Future Media Lab.'s "Understanding Disruption" post-conference report today!


The Future Media Lab. released the post-conference report for the April 2013 conference “Understanding Disruption” earlier this afternoon.

The post-conference report attempts to gather all the ideas, discussions and debates present that during the half-day event and structure them into two different parts: 1) the Future of Media in 2050, and 2) Politics related to the Future Media Landscape. As with past Future Media Lab. events, the "Understanding Disruption" conference utilized the World Café format during the workshop sessions. Due to the unconstrained, free-flowing nature of this format, the ideas gathered at the event were not structured and came from a variety of people with different backgrounds. Therefore, the report should not be seen as a complete picture of the future media landscape and related politics, but rather as a snapshot of all the ideas, thoughts and questions that were in the room that day.

In addition to presenting the ideas discussed at the conference, the report also features interviews with a few of the speakers and participants, the programme of the day, bios of speakers, and a participants list.