Press releases

Summary of Future Media Lounge session on AVMSD published

Following last month's Future Media Lounge session, "A media framework for the 21st century: is regulatory convergence necessary?", the Future Media Lab. team has produced a brief summary of the event, which looked into the reform of the European Commission's Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD).

The session, which took place in the European Parliament, featured presentations by Dr. Stefan Söder, Legal Counsel for Burda Media; Prof. Dr. Christoph Fiedler, Managing Director for European Affairs and Media Policy at VDZ; and Prof. Nico van Eirk, Director for Information and Media Law at the University of Amsterdam (read Prof. van Eijk's blog post on this topic here). It was hosted by MEP Andrew Lewer (ECR, UK) and moderated by Karen Massin, CEO of Burson Marstellar.

The full summary, as well as photos from the session, can be found here.

The Future Media Lab. is hosted by the European Magazine Media Association.

For further information contact:

Pierre Dagard 
EU Affairs Officer

+32 2 536 06 08

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