Press releases

Summary of the FMLounge debate session on copyright in the digital age now available

Last week on Wednesday, 8 February the Future Media Lab., EMMA's think tank initiative, hosted a Future Media Lounge session in the European Parliament. The session was titled "The Link is Safe: Publishers' Rights in the Digital Age" and it brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss the European Commission’s proposal for a directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. The proposal was published on 14 September 2016 and includes a related right for press publishers. The “publisher’s right” will grant publishers the legal protection and clarity needed for the sustainability of a free and pluralistic press sector.

While press publishers argue that the publisher’s right is urgently needed to remain competitive and independently financed and to protect their investment in the original, professional content that underpins the freedom of the press and democracy, some stakeholders see risks for the open internet. The speakers at this event included Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director of the Media and Data Directorate at DG for Communications Networks at the European Commission, Jens Henneberg, Executive Vice President & Editorial Director of Bonnier Publications, MEP Andrew Lewer (ECR/UK) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Höppner, Professor of Civil Law and Intellectual Property.

MEP Therese Comodini Cachia (EPP/Malta) also joined via a video address. The event was moderated by Karen Massin, CEO of Burson-Marsteller Brussels.

A summary of the session can be downloaded here (pdf).

For further information contact:

Karin Fleming 
Communications Manager

+32 (0)2 536 06 07

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