Press releases

Summary of the FMLounge debate session on the review of the AVMS Directive now available

Last week on 16 November, the Future Media Lab. hosted its 7th Future Media Lounge session in the European Parliament, this time focusing on the review of the Audiovisual Services Media Directive, which is currently under discussion in the European Parliament, and the impact this could have on Europe's press publishers.

The speakers at this event included Jörg Hausendorf, Member of the Executive Board of Bauer Media (DE) and the two Rapporteurs in the CULT Committee: MEP Petra Kammerevert (S&D/DE) and MEP Sabine Verheyen (EPP/DE). We were also joined by various expert commentators, including: Giuseppe Abbamonte, Director of the Media and Data Directorate, DG Connect at the European Commission; Prof. Nico Van Eijk, Director of the Insitute for Information and Media Law, University of Amsterdam (NL); MEP Andrew Lewer (ECR/UK); MEP Angelika Mlinar (ALDE/AT); Sophie Scrive, Deputy Executive Director of ENPA (BE); and MEP Yana Toom (ALDE/ET).

The event saw a general acknowledgement of the need to support media pluralism and media diversity in Europe, particularly by Jörg Hausendorf and MEP Mlinar, though the way in which this could be done most effectively was one of the focal points of the debate. Additional comments were made on the scope of the directive, how “audiovisual media services” are defined, and what the role of independent regulators could be.

For more information, please contact:

Karin Fleming 
EMMA Communications Manager

+32 2 536 0607

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