Press releases

The European Parliament adopts its report on the EMFA: Further improvements must be achieved in trilogues

The European Parliament adopts its report on the EMFA: Further improvements must be achieved in trilogues

The European press publishers' associations EMMA and ENPA acknowledge today's vote in the European Parliament on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). The core objective of EMMA and ENPA is to protect press and media freedom and pluralism in the EU and to promote an environment in which the free press can flourish and develop – both online and offline.  In this respect, the European Parliament's report has brought improvements towards these goals. Nevertheless, several shortcomings remain that need to be addressed during the trilogue negotiations in order for the EMFA to effectively strengthen the media, to protect its freedom while avoiding unnecessarily interfering in functioning systems in Member States.

This is particularly the case with regard to the internal functioning of media companies, which is heavily shaped by national traditions and specificities, the structure regulatory oversight and its political independence, as well as the protection of press freedom in the platform internet, which is threatened by the terms and conditions of Very Large Online Platforms.

We will continue to engage constructively with the European Commission, European Parliament and the Council to achieve the objectives of the EMFA in line with the priorities and concerns of the media and create the right conditions for them to thrive.

Ilias Konteas, EMMA – ENPA Executive Director, said: “We understand that compromises had to be found which, in certain aspects, do not address fundamental problems and need further improvement. In light of today’s result, it is important to focus on the upcoming trilogues as an opportunity to address the remaining shortcomings to allow EMFA to fulfil its objectives.”


Konteas Ilias

Executive Director